Saturday 18 March 2017


The Feminine and Masculine joins, initiating changes*

It is keeping intentionally in mind that intention shall follow Heaven and Earth, in priority imitating the Feminine and the Masculine 

Then certainly because the best and brightest shoot to reinforce the Masculine, then helping the feeble while containing its strength, harmonising the Feminine and the Masculine, thus preventing the unexpected.

Any exercice, even if done perfectly, an anyway impossible feat, will still bear some armful effects on one's body, spirit...

Old practices, following the Yin and Yang Theory, always attached a counterbalance exercise to any practice.

Progression is like a drawer which does not close straight, when it is blocked on one side, one has to push on the total opposite side.

Static exercices should always immediately be followed by slow motion to gently revive the body, failure to do so will in time stiffen the articulations and the back from bottom up all the way to the neck.

Frenetic exercices are always immediately followed by static breathing to calm down one's spirit and organs****, here are two basic rules of counterbalance.

Going from an extreme to another, like following static trainings with immediately very fast motion ones, is to be avoided at all cost. It is not counterbalance but adding negative effects on negative effects. Like poison and antidotes, it is all a question of proportion and timing.

One cannot always train the same routine, he/she will end up being more and more stuck, like an uneven drawer.

When one is stuck, he/she shall train a totally different if not opposite practice in order to balance the negative effects of his/her previous daily routine.

Change is the motto of old internal practices and, apart from taking into consideration one's body transformation, one of the main goals is also to balance the effects of different body and spirit trainings, like a proper diet.

*Discourse on Rites, Xunzi, 禮論, 荀子.
**As the Heavens Act, Spring and Autumn Rich Dew, Dong Zhongshu, 如天之為, 春秋繁露, 董仲舒. 
***District Archery Meeting Rites, Book Four, Discourse on the White Tiger Who Fully Understands Virtue, 鄉射禮, 卷四, 白虎通德論.
****In the schools still keeping a form of salutation at the end of the practice, calming down is one of the aim of such thing.

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