Showing posts with label Basics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basics. Show all posts

Monday, 29 July 2024

Women And Breathing

The intrinsic order is the essence of capability, method is the base of capability.

Women don’t have a Cinnabar Field, training vapours is in the mediastinum.

Men’s life resides in the Cinnabar Field. The Cinnabar Field, this is the real soil which gives birth to the Cinnabar; Women’s life resides in the breasts. The breasts, those are the real wooden essential liquids of the field of vapours1.

To understand fully old methods, one has to take into consideration three things: they are, intrinsically, very versatile. Hence, most of the time, they are not governed by rigid rules or principles; they customise training according to each and everyone, there isn’t, apart from some basis, a standard training to be followed. This starts, of course, by recognising and taking into account the obvious difference between men and women and then between all distinct kinds and shapes of bodies; Finally, they come from various traditions that may address or express the same issue in diverse ways, especially because they are meant to be an oral transmission. All this is unfortunately a far cry from most of the training in internal styles nowadays. 

Monday, 19 February 2024

Where Is My Weapon?

The spear binds a line, the staff sweeps a large area1.

The sword goes green, the sabre black2.

Green dragon crescent moon sabre: hack, slash, lift up, hang, chop, strike out, intercept, block, pick, stab.

Since pretty early in history, martial arts circles in China were linked to a lot of practices, from the pure battlefield ones to hunting (the bow), physical strength (weight lifting with the famous tripod cauldron), spiritual search (lots of martial arts have such a claim. Let’s also remember that among the six arts taught by Confucius two were the chariot and the bow), ceremonial (dance3 and the bow), competitive (tripod cauldron lifting, wrestling and, again, the bow), protection (militias and escorts) and so on… In times of constant war or great insecurity, almost everybody knew how to handle a weapon, in times of peace, some martial practices became pure entertainment4, in times of unrest some practices were constricted to the elite, in times of peace sometimes the establishment looked down on martial skills5.

Sunday, 8 August 2021

Forever Young



The fist fears the young and vigorous1


A whole body strength trained when young, robust, healthy and rarely sick at an old age.


Training to sweat all over the body, no need to worry about minor illnesses.


A body well trained, eighty but not acquiescing to old age.


Skills coming from an early sleep and an early wake2.

A part of old practices, which is almost lost nowadays, is the training of the organs and its deep transformation of one’s body. To stay fit, for old internal practices, was to upgrade one’s organs, the internal alchemy, which, amongst other things, led to slowing down the ageing process and keep one’s vitality at its best for a long time. 少壯, young and vigorous, stresses on such need.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Hold On

The heart commands, vapours are the flag and the waist the banner

When the anus is not pulled up, the vapours around the cinnabar field disperse, the inside becomes empty and one's vitality depletes

A lot of Chinese practices consider the waist to be the most important part of the body, 腰为主宰, the waist dictates. For those practices, the waist refers not only to the anatomical part of the body, but can also point out specific vertebras or extend to the whole part below the navel to the crotch, the pelvic area. Since it is not only the centre of one's body, where the legs and the chest connect, but also the most important place for vitality, most of the organs being more or less located around it, keeping a correct structure in the area is key to a fruitful training. Among the many requirements one stands out, the necessity to literally pull up the anus that you find in a lot of practices (or its symmetrical version, to pull up the bladder) and hang the stomach (or its symmetrical version, to pinch the sacrum vertebras).

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Rock the Cinnabar

Inside are the Cinnabar Fields, the place vapours return to

The strength raises from the feet on the prerequisite the cinnabar field is sufficient enough

The force from the centre of the palms comes from the mark in the centre of the feet

Working on one's vitality flow, as it was explained in the two previous posts, was one of the objectives in the old practices. To do so, apart from mobilising one's organs, one could work on, or enhance, certain parts of the body having an impact on such flow. Of the numerous parts, the most famous are the cinnabar fields, 丹田.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Vitality and Strength

眼無神, 拳無魂
Eyes with no expression, boxing without spirit

氣發若風行, 氣納吞百川*
Vapours are emitted like the wind, vapours receive, swallowing a hundred rivers

The inside strength is in the incorporeal, connecting with a corporeal expression, thus very hard to convey in words

Chinese arts differentiate strength from just body force. In Chinese, force is 力, which originally was a representation of human tendons or connective tissues***, "筋也。象人筋之形". Strength is 勁, the "underground river", 巠, of force, 力.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Vitality and Force

To concentrate one's attention on

A clear mind in a calm state

To concentrate one's attention on

One thoughts fly to (a place or a person)

Similarly as to the difference between fascias elasticity and muscle contraction, it may be interesting to try to first determine what belongs more to vitality. Of course, since vitality is mainly invisible, contrary to muscle mass, the noticeable differences lie more in effects than on visible or touchable things on one's body.

Monday, 4 January 2016

The Cross and the Six Directions

Sink the shoulders and drop the elbows; contain the chest and pull up the back

Relax the waist and sit the hips; open the crotch and have the knee brace

Once the evolutive principles behind the figure of the bow are understood, one has to expand the connectivity of the fascias by connecting different lines together, and their elasticity by going beyond lines into surfaces and volumes.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

The Bow, Cornerstone of Elasticity

The shoulders drop, the fingers link!*

The hands drop, the elbows curve!**

Bent but able to stretch, stretched but also bent!**

A natural wonder the front opened and the back closed, the two acromions stand facing each other***

To be able to use fascia elasticity, as it has already been mentioned in previous posts, one has to stretch connective tissues to gain elasticity and get the proper alignments to really connect the whole line again. But this combination of stretching with proper alignments goes beyond just transforming the body, it is a mean to get the fascia lines to tense, first indirectly and then actively.

Monday, 21 December 2015

Naturally Contracted or Natural Elasticity

No force is the better force

In theory, the difference between contraction and elasticity seems not too complicated. On one hand muscles contract and/or become loose while, in the other hand, facias extend and retract. In practice, and especially nowadays where muscle contraction is the main solution used to generate force for most humans*, it is a more complicated problem, a lot of practices advertising not using muscle contraction, either for marketing purposes or earnestly, while they still do.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Sweet Sweat

Sweat streaming down and drenching one's back

Second, the whole body perspire: the body heat increases, a heat that can go through the entire body, smoothly reaching the four limbs, all the body pores open, slight sweat passing through, but too much would be inadvisable, just allowing the sweat to penetrate the skin pores, which can in the beginning cure from a cold or the flu, and if often trained shall heat up the entire body, dripping with sweat, clothes fully drenched, keeping away flu for ever.*

In internal practices, sweat is a cornerstone of one's training, a way to check one's practice and general health. It is also quite a complex matter as nervousness or tiredness can often produce the same results as the ones looked for in training.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Bones and the Force

Heavy vapours and strong bones

Firm bones and supple fascias

As far as the body force is concerned, the external part, the most important was neither muscles nor even fascias for the internal arts, but it was the bones. Bones and force are the typical example of how internal arts work, body force was first about a stronger structure and, to achieve it, stronger organs.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Breathing, Complex and Evolving

Vapours comes out of the ears when resting eyes closed, what is called the tortoise breathing, for certain the big tortoise lifespan 

If one can do like a baby in a mother's womb, taking by himself internal vapours, holding and protecting tenaciously the unicity, what is called the foetal breathing

Soundless breathing through the nose, guarding vapours and spirit

Breathing is one of the most important things in life, thus the core of internal practices. Whatever he/she would do, an internalist was always about checking the impact on his breathing and heartbeat. Being a key issue made it also a complex one, it was not only about lungs, but also about heartbeat, skin, fascias, organs...

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Condensation and The Belt

Vapours gather on the Cinnabar Field

All breathing returns to the navel

The turtle tail makes vapours rise, Cinnabar Fields refine the spirit

Internal Alchemy is not only about fire, it is also a question of condensation. The places where vapours are supposed to mainly condense are called Cinnabar Fields, 丹田 (down, middle and upper), which will be dealt in another post. Condensation was a question of accumulation in the first place, and compression in the second, the two first skills targeted by internal breathing, 息.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

External Comes First

There are also the three "lying down" skills. First, the one on the back, legs straight, the ten toes hooking through the waist, keeping in mind the Gushing Spring (涌泉, acupoint located in the middle of the foot), the hands locked together to support; second, on the left side, the head lying on the extremity of the left foot, the left hand pulling the left heel, then doing exactly the same on the right side; third, on the stomach, two hands holding the head, the feet arch pointing towards the sky and the ten toes vigorously pointing towards the ground, keeping in mind the Mud Pellet (Upper Cinnabar Field also called sometimes the Third Eye). However one is lying, head, waist and legs have to be kept straight.

External Comes First is also a classic example of the oversight of heavy stretching as first training, because the reasons behind it are forgotten, it is a too strenuous exercise and it usually used to take only a couple of months since the students were normally teenagers.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Transforming First the Body

Three years of postures, two years of boxing

A hundred twists linking the waist, a boneless utmost

Who trains the shape, also called spreading out the fascias and bones coming off

Different athletes have different bodies. From a weightlifter to marathon runner, because the physical abilities required and the motion imposed are very different, the type of bodies are very distinct. Even for Martists, sometimes one can recognise who is practicing what just by looking at their bodies and how they move.

Friday, 2 October 2015

Train, Refine, Temper

Art of training the body

Refine the stone to repair the innate

After hard work and numerous revisions

煉 and 鍊, are all pronounced liàn. They are all made of 柬, to select, but written with different radicals*. They all can be used as to describe one's training. Even if they seem interchangeable, those three characters actually refer to different parts of training in internal arts.

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Foggy Heart

A still heart for moving vapours

Second rouse vapours, third calm and at peace*

The two main pillars of internal arts are the heart and the Qi, emotions and vitality. If one was to describe a high internal level, even though martial arts have little to do with meditation, it would be through two lotus postures. The first one would be a Martist at noon in the middle of a very hot summer in a very stuffy room.