Monday, 1 July 2019

Lean And Sinewy

Rather train to lengthen the fascias by one inch than to thicken the flesh by one third.

To compare with 外練筋骨皮.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019


One can endure cold when vapours are sufficient, heat when blood is sufficient, hunger when spirit is sufficient, the force is continuous when essential liquids are sufficient.

This passage belongs to the 精神氣息解, “Explaining essential liquids, spirit, vapours and breath1” paragraph. To the usual trio essential liquids, spirit and vapours, breath has been added, probably to show that it is equally important. In the quote, it is blood which has been added. Internal practices use to pay more attention to what is happening inside the body, the organs and the liquids they produce, the blood… and what is not visible but has an impact on one’s performance, what we call vigour, vitality, which they theorised as vapours and spirit.

Friday, 31 May 2019

Shining Eyes, Light Hands & Nimble Body

Inside essential liquids, vapours  and spirit are trained; outside hands, eyes and body are trained.

The concept of internal and external is a basic of Chinese culture.

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Posture With A Little Push

A good stance and posture reflect a proper state of mind1.

Structure is the essence of capacity, method its crucial point2.

Posture used to be one of the cornerstones of internal practices. It served many purposes, but deep body transformation and breathing training were amongst the most important. Nowadays, postures are limited, both in their range and diversity.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Fully Empty

Emptiness then towards fullness, fullness then towards emptiness, emptiness and fullness using each other alternatively.

Another translation would be “False then real, real then false, false and real used alternatively.”

Monday, 22 April 2019

Bamboo, Iron And Cotton, A New Realm

One level of skill, one level of intrinsic order1.

This is what the ancients called plucking the genuine wanderings2.

Old practices were about constantly evolving, which meant changes, which meant to sometimes reach something totally new with very different rules or principles to be followed.

Saturday, 13 April 2019

Genuine Chaos Or Fake Sword

Where did the original of The Sword of Chaos Classic copied by the four from the Xu family come from? This is a difficult puzzle for all of us1.

In the realm of self-discovery, writings, because they set in stone, are not the favourite tool used in martial arts. As it has already been mentioned many times in this blog, solving oral enigmas used to be the way to pass on knowledge. Hence, when the first boxing manuals appeared, they were not too comprehensive. It seems a bit odd, for the least, when faced with a detailed internal Taoist martial arts manual dated before most of the others2.

Sunday, 31 March 2019

One Thought Too Many

Able in one thought to move forward, not remaining in one thoughts.

This sentence is always seen as the description of the need to be decisive while fighting.

Monday, 25 March 2019

A New Stand

One but (not un)mutating, such is the Way.

The more technology improves, the less relevant become the old practices. Catastrophic events set aside, humanity is on a verge of a new technological revolution that will not only surpass everything we have known, but may well redefine our own species as we know them.