To become skilled, one shall study hands and feet, which is useful for weapons, accumulating gears, to establish victory in attack as well as in defence.
The single-edged sword shifts following the body, the body moves following the single-edged sword
The spear does not leave the body, the body does not leave the spear, the spear goes following the body, the body moves following the spear
The spear pierces a line, the staff sweeps a wide expanse
In most of the old schools in China, empty handed and with weapons are both trained. If training weapons seems totally logic, It can be useful to dispel the confusion surrounding the notion of empty hands. In the old days, a martist could sleep naked, but certainly not without his/her weapon. Warfare and combat was, in the old world as it is now, mainly a question of weaponry. The weapons have changed with technology, but they always have been a part of human conflicts.