Sunday, 1 December 2024

Gravity and the Circle

Realm is the threshold of capacity.

Gravity, like breathing, is a constant in our lives. For those who are studying old practices, it is, as far as training is concerned, the perfect example of how virtuous and vicious circles will shape training and fundamentally change it. In this case, it is very simple. As long as we grow, up till maturity, the influence of gravity is positive. It makes our body stronger and exercices will tend to use at its best this opportunity. Once we become grownups, it is reversed; gravity slowly impedes us on all and any level.

Monday, 29 July 2024

Women And Breathing

The intrinsic order is the essence of capability, method is the base of capability.

Women don’t have a Cinnabar Field, training vapours is in the mediastinum.

Men’s life resides in the Cinnabar Field. The Cinnabar Field, this is the real soil which gives birth to the Cinnabar; Women’s life resides in the breasts. The breasts, those are the real wooden essential liquids of the field of vapours1.

To understand fully old methods, one has to take into consideration three things: they are, intrinsically, very versatile. Hence, most of the time, they are not governed by rigid rules or principles; they customise training according to each and everyone, there isn’t, apart from some basis, a standard training to be followed. This starts, of course, by recognising and taking into account the obvious difference between men and women and then between all distinct kinds and shapes of bodies; Finally, they come from various traditions that may address or express the same issue in diverse ways, especially because they are meant to be an oral transmission. All this is unfortunately a far cry from most of the training in internal styles nowadays. 

Monday, 19 February 2024

Where Is My Weapon?

The spear binds a line, the staff sweeps a large area1.

The sword goes green, the sabre black2.

Green dragon crescent moon sabre: hack, slash, lift up, hang, chop, strike out, intercept, block, pick, stab.

Since pretty early in history, martial arts circles in China were linked to a lot of practices, from the pure battlefield ones to hunting (the bow), physical strength (weight lifting with the famous tripod cauldron), spiritual search (lots of martial arts have such a claim. Let’s also remember that among the six arts taught by Confucius two were the chariot and the bow), ceremonial (dance3 and the bow), competitive (tripod cauldron lifting, wrestling and, again, the bow), protection (militias and escorts) and so on… In times of constant war or great insecurity, almost everybody knew how to handle a weapon, in times of peace, some martial practices became pure entertainment4, in times of unrest some practices were constricted to the elite, in times of peace sometimes the establishment looked down on martial skills5.