Thursday, 19 October 2023

Pillars and the Bamboo

Training boxing without the pillar steps, a house without stud.

Training boxing without kicking1, this is imprudent after all.

To know the quintessence of boxing, it starts from standing the pillars.

Pressing but not smoothing2 is useless, smoothing but not pressing stupid as a bull.

Training skills without standing the pillars, it is as rocking aimlessly

Boxing has the pillars for roots, the pillars have boxing to manifest the spirit.

For a lot of martists and Qigong aficionados, 站樁 means holding a stance, often as long as possible. This is actually more an interpretation than a real translation, 站, meaning to stand (on one’s feet) or to halt as far as training is concerned, and 樁 pillar or stud. Hence, holding a posture is surely only one of the numerous training 站樁 refers to. Furthermore, this practice is often confused with rooting2 while it is actually, first of all, balance which is sought.