Friday, 30 December 2022

Flat Stomach Improved Vitality, Production&Insulation


The five viscera and six internal organs, each in its place, each in its function.

When the anus is not pulled up, the vapours around the cinnabar field disperse, the inside becomes empty and one’s vitality depletes.

A flat stomach is not only an issue linked with the body verticality, it is also an even more important one which concerns our capacity to correctly produce and maintain vitality. As mentioned earlier in this blog, the main machinery used to generate vitality are the organs, hence the first quote. The concept of  in its original writing refers to a process between fire and water which creates vapours.

Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Flat Stomach Improved Vitality, Tiny Details Great Impact

The gate to the Heavenly Palace is haughty

Containing the chest and pulling up the back

Lifting the anus, hanging the stomach

Tiny details inside the body are always hard to describe and may slightly differ for each student according to their body built. Looking for them often leads to investigating more and more the different possible meanings of the sayings. Indeed, at this point, one should not try to reproduce externally what they illustrate, such as the ones quoted, but analyse the internal process which produces such results. It is, after all, the internal arts main focus.