Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Flat Stomach Improved Vitality, Anti-Gravitational Reconnection, External Connections


Head, torso and legs, the heaven, earth and human plates

Three plates, one axle

The three plates face the sky

Some martial art schools use the three plates theory, and the first two quotes are pretty common. As far as verticality is concerned the plates can be extended to any part of the body, the idea being that a vertical alignment means a horizontal one (the third quote and the concept of crosses in training). The best known one is the book on the head.

Sunday, 2 October 2022

Flat Stomach Improved Vitality, Anti-Gravitational Reconnection, The Basics


Lowering the head and bending the waist, not a great teaching.
Waist and hips join, the waist propels the hips

A round crotch and relaxed hips are desirable

Sucking in the hips and lifting the crotch

There are a lot of sayings, from a martial style to another, which insist on the importance of the middle section of the body, from the hips to the waist. They are often, if not totally forgotten (who talks about the crotch, if not just as a joke?), not really a key part of training any more, hips apart. Unfortunately, crotch, hips and waist are all essential parts where the connection between the upper and lower sections of the body is made and the vitality/heat is, or isn't, insulated.