Monday, 23 July 2018

Posture With A Little Twist

To get to know the quintessence of boxing, it first starts with standing pillars.

Training skills without standing poles, is like blindly swaying.

Training boxing without stakes, a house without stud.

In old training, first came posture, then stepping. Posture was a very important basis of any training, a way to learn to put one’s body parts in the most beneficial angles. Feet, since their position basically has a great influence on the whole body, head included, were actually probably the most important part to train.

Tuesday, 10 July 2018


Vertical or horizontal, against or following, straight or turned over is not made known.

縱 vertical, to jump in the air
橫 horizontal, at a right angle (as opposed to 縱), unrestrained
逆 to oppose, to go against, backwards, contrary
順 to follow, along
直 straight (as opposed to 彎, 曲 crooked), simply
復 turn round or over, to repeat, to return to an original state, hexagram 24th of the Yijing
不 no, not
聞 hear, smell, to make known

This last sentence seems to stress on the need to be stealthy, to avoid having one‘s intentions uncovered.

Sunday, 1 July 2018