Monday, 22 August 2016

Fast and Furious

Therefore the heart remains naturally leisurely even though the body is swift

Therefore when the spirit takes control, the body follows for its own good. When the body takes control, the spirit follows for its own harm

To wield with lightning speed, Kunwu swings the Great Yang

There is a urban legend about some Japanese soldiers during World War II able while charging to withstand the shots fired at them until they reached their opponents and killed them. Only then would they die. If the Boxers' Uprising taught us to be extremely cautious with tales of seemingly extraordinary feasts performed by Asian martial arts against modern weaponry, this legend remains interesting because it tells about an achievement sought while training fast and in frenzy, "getting out of one's body".

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

All Along the Watchtower

Therefore the mind naturally expands itself even though the vapours bind themselves

All the boxing methods have the eyes as a key link

Moving extremely slow, taking half an hour to execute just one move, was made to further train one's heart capacity to endure by having one's mind even more awake. This is actually the essence of the peeping thief technique.