Monday, 22 February 2016

Hold On

The heart commands, vapours are the flag and the waist the banner

When the anus is not pulled up, the vapours around the cinnabar field disperse, the inside becomes empty and one's vitality depletes

A lot of Chinese practices consider the waist to be the most important part of the body, 腰为主宰, the waist dictates. For those practices, the waist refers not only to the anatomical part of the body, but can also point out specific vertebras or extend to the whole part below the navel to the crotch, the pelvic area. Since it is not only the centre of one's body, where the legs and the chest connect, but also the most important place for vitality, most of the organs being more or less located around it, keeping a correct structure in the area is key to a fruitful training. Among the many requirements one stands out, the necessity to literally pull up the anus that you find in a lot of practices (or its symmetrical version, to pull up the bladder) and hang the stomach (or its symmetrical version, to pinch the sacrum vertebras).