Sunday, 27 September 2015

Foggy Heart

A still heart for moving vapours

Second rouse vapours, third calm and at peace*

The two main pillars of internal arts are the heart and the Qi, emotions and vitality. If one was to describe a high internal level, even though martial arts have little to do with meditation, it would be through two lotus postures. The first one would be a Martist at noon in the middle of a very hot summer in a very stuffy room.

Saturday, 12 September 2015


Method is the base of capability

Most of the Martists come to the practice for the wrong reasons, often attracted by their supposed past glory (after all, nobody was there). If one's aim is to become a warrior, only the army, the police or affiliated can offer the right environment, certainly not practices that cannot be used because the technology has rendered them obsolete and/or legislation illegal.

Friday, 4 September 2015


Ten sitting in the lotus posture, nine insane

The full can only deplete, humility is beneficial

Ego is a notion which is meant pop out at a time or another in one's training. It is often seen as a, if not bad, at least something that one should rein in or reduce. Among their many claims, martial arts are supposed to train one's ego.